Prerequisites Follow the instructions in the Jekyll Docs to complete the installation of the basic environment. Git also needs to be installed. Installation Creating a New Site There are two wa...
Getting Started

Text and Typography
This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Headings H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - ...
nav-mesh에 대한 노트
언리얼, 유니티 같은 유명한 게임엔진에 이미 navmesh가 구현되어있는 걸 굳이 재발명하는 이유는 Bad North를 만든 인디게임 개발자가 커스텀 nav-mesh 만드는데 재밌었다고 한다 내가 만들 게임에 매우 중요해보였고 또 유니티 엔진의 도움 받기 싫고 믿을수도 없어 나도 배워보기로 결정했다 아래 링크 포스트 참고 hab...
Test title
Hello everyone, this is a test post! This is a Heading This is a second Heading This is a bold hello darkness my friend This is a quote This is Image link!
Welcome to Jekyll!
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run je...
Customize the Favicon
The favicons of Chirpy are placed in the directory assets/img/favicons/. You may want to replace them with your own. The following sections will guide you to create and replace the default favicons...
Writing a New Post
This tutorial will guide you how to write a post in the Chirpy template, and it’s worth reading even if you’ve used Jekyll before, as many features require specific variables to be set. Naming and...